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Functions of Policy Unit:

As focal point in coordinating the work and activities for Brunei Tourism Board;
As focal point for Brunei Darussalam Tourism Industry Roadmap (2024-2035);
As lead for Connectivity Working Group under Brunei Darussalam Tourism Industry Roadmap Working Group;
As support for the annual Legislative Council Meetings (Majlis Mesyuarat Negara);
To devise and develop policies that stimulate the growth of the tourism industry in the country through various measures such as the implementation of the Tourism Industry Roadmap and Tourism Develop Department Strategic Plan;
To plan, coordinate, monitor, and oversee the implementation of strategic policies based on the objectives of the Department's programs or activities at national and international levels; and 
To conduct forecast and identify new and globally emerging tourism trends and assessing the feasibility of those trends in Brunei Darussalam

​​Functions of Statistics Unit:

As focal for National Data Steering Committee Tourism Working Group;
To act as a centralized database for tourism information;
To compile and coordinate tourism data and statistics with relevant stakeholders;
To monitor the performance of industry stakeholders in the tourism industry such as accommodations and travel agents;
To analyse and conduct research on inbound tourism markets and trends in global tourism;
To identify relevant and credible data on the socio-economic contribution for tourism and tourism-related activities;  and
To produce regular quarterly report including infographic posters on tourism statistics

Updated as of 6th July 2024​